First Sunday of Every Month, 9:30am
Trinity’s Celebration
At Trinity, we celebrate communion by “intinction,” an ancient Christian method in which worshipers walk up to the front of the Sanctuary, receive a piece of bread, dip it into the grape juice (We use grape juice rather than wine out of love for our brothers and sisters who cannot or should not drink wine), place it into their mouths, and then return to their seats. Persons with mobility challenges can have the bread and juice brought to them. All persons who have been baptized are welcome at the Lord’s Table. For information on being baptized see Baptisms.
What is Communion?
Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist, is Christ’s gift to the church emphasizing remembrance, communion, and hope:
- Remembrance of our Lord’s self-giving death on the cross and the resulting forgiveness of our sins.
- Communion with our resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ, and with the other members of our congregation.
- Hope for the ultimate triumph of Christ when followers of Jesus Christ will be raised from the dead to live forever.
The Bible tells us that on the night he was betrayed and handed over to death, Jesus broke bread and gave it to his disciples, saying that it was his body. He then shared a cup of wine with his disciples, saying that it was his blood, poured out for the forgiveness of human sin. You can read the whole story in Matthew 26:26-29.
Following Jesus’ example and instruction, when the church celebrates the Lord’s Supper we receive gifts of bread and wine; we give thanks to God; we break the bread and pour the wine; we share the food and drink with each other. In these simple actions believers experience a profound mystery: Christ himself is present and his life passes into us and is made ours. As Baptism is the sign and seal of our ingrafting into Christ, so the Lord’s Supper is a means by which Christ continually nourishes, strengthens and comforts us.
Following Jesus’ example and instruction, when the church celebrates the Lord’s Supper today we share the bread and wine with each other as a sign of remembering Christ’s sacrifice and experiencing the presence of Jesus with us today and in the future.
What Happens During Communion?
Through our prayers and the sharing of bread and wine we are joined to Christ and through Christ to each other. At the table we remember what God has done for us. The past event of our Lord’s death, resurrection and ascension comes into the present so that its power once again touches us, changes us, and heals us. We gather at the table with joy. Our eating and drinking is a celebration of our risen Lord. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ is present with us at the table and so we give joyful thanks for what God has done and is doing in our lives and in the world. We come to the table in hope. We look forward with joyful anticipation to the coming reign of God when “Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other” (Psalm 85:10).
How does the Reformed Church Practice Communion?
Within the RCA, there is great diversity in the practice of communion. Some churches serve communion once a month, some do more or less frequently. The practice of the early church and the teaching of the Reformers of the 16th century was to celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly. The Book of Church Order calls for communion to be celebrated at least once every three months, if possible. Some churches use a common cup for the wine or juice, and some use individual cups. Some churches practice intinction (dipping the bread in the wine), and some serve the elements separately. Sometimes people are served in the pew. At other times they may be invited to come forward to the table. These practical decisions are largely left to the leaders of the congregation.
Who may Participate in Communion?
Christ is the host and invites us to his table. All who have been baptized into Christ are welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper, although local boards of elders have been given the responsibility to decide at what age and under what circumstances young children may be served.
Frequently Asked Questions
- It is an altar or a table?
- Is it the Lord’s Supper, Eucharist or Communion?
- What is the proper method for the distribution of the elements in Communion?
- What is the Great Thanksgiving?
- How should we dispose of the Communion elements?
- Won’t more frequent celebrations of the Lord’s Supper make our worship services longer?
- What kind of Communion bread should we use?
- What items belong on the Communion table?
For More Information on Communion
- For an example of the order of worship and its content please click here.