At Trinity there is no pressure to become a member although we recommend making a commitment to your spiritual community.  Church membership is also not a requirement for worshiping or serving at Trinity, and it is not a command found in the Bible.

The Bible does tell believers, however, to meet regularly with a group of Christians who love, serve, and encourage one another (see Ephesians 4:16, I Timothy 3:15, and Romans 12:4-5).Membership is one of the ways to do that.  

The church is not a club. There is no seniority.  It is not “members only”.  Nor does membership make you more righteous or get you into heaven.  Rather, we are all equal at God’s table.  Trinity is an intentional community that seeks to transform their lives in the example of Jesus Christ.  

If you have an interest in exploring membership at Trinity, please contact: 

Pastor Kirsten
(201) 664-5904.

Membership Process

Inquirer’s Class

An Inquirer’s Class is offered in the spring and fall to those (members and non-members alike) who are interested in learning more about the church.

Profession of Faith

If you have never been a member of any church, you can begin your faith journey formally through baptism, and become a member by a “Profession of Faith.”

Transfer of Membership

If you have been an active member at another Reformed Church or a church of another denomination, but wish to continue your faith journey with us, you can join by a “Transfer of Membership.”

Re-Affirmation of Faith

If you have professed your faith and been a member of another church of any denomination, but have not been active for a while, you can become a member by a “Re-Affirmation of Faith.”

Membership Inquiry



Why become a member or attend church when I can get sermons and other resources online?

With more churches offering worship services and sermons online, there is a case that actual attendance and membership at a church is still critical.  The fact is “the church needs you” and “you need the church. If going to ‘church’ once a week was just about gaining what you need spiritually to make it through another week, then tuning in online would be just fine. You could get what you need on Christian radio, reading books, studying the Bible or watching your favorite TV preacher.

But the purpose of church is so much broader than that. It is about corporate worship, praying and studying the Bible together, serving one another and reaching out in mission together. This can’t be done in isolation. The fellowship of the saints is a vital means of grace for the disciple of Christ. Believers need the accountability found only within the local church.  We need to confess our sins and declare forgiveness together. We need to be deployed for service in Christ’s name together.

The mentality of many who “go to church” from their home and watch the worship team and pastor on a screen in isolation is that their presence doesn’t matter. Many times we think we won’t be missed but such a mentality is short-sighted and inaccurate. In this case, you underestimate the significance of your presence when you think it doesn’t matter. You undervalue the power of the Spirit of God residing within you when you believe staying home is just as good as showing up. You possibly miss what God wants to do through you and for you when you stay home.

The church – that is, the people of God – needs your physical presence, words of encouragement, and acts of service. Your gifts, skills, ideas, service, leadership, resources, love – everything you have to offer – is a crucial part to a congregation thriving. In the same way, you need the ‘church’ more than you think you do.

There is so much in Scripture about the relational aspects of the church – love one another, be devoted to one another, encourage one another, instruct one another, greet one another – and these can’t be done as well in a virtual environment.

With all that said, we don’t downplay the significance of online church services. Such digital services serve as a bridge for lonely, isolated people to eventually take a step into a community of faith.  It is a great service for sick and shut-ins as well as though who work on Sundays.  Additionally, online services reach people around the world, some of whom cannot participate in a church, and they also make it easier when trying to invite a friend to church.  Plus, you can stay connected to your church when away at college or on vacation.