Welcome to Trinity and our website.
I want to invite you to explore our community of faith as we journey towards a closer walk with God. Through worshiping together on Sunday mornings, by reaching out to our surrounding community and the wider world through a variety of mission activities, by passing on our tradition and the knowledge of the love of God to our children through our Sunday School and Confirmation programs, and by engaging in continuing study and prayer ourselves, we seek to grow in faith and love together.
All are welcome at Trinity and we enjoy a rich variety of Christian faith backgrounds. We encourage you to worship with us on Sunday morning and to join us for a time of fellowship following our 9:30 AM service.
I trust and pray you will enjoy our site. I hope that the information we provide is helpful in making you comfortable enough to pay us a visit. What I would really love is for you to come, be our guest, and experience our church firsthand and I would love to meet you when you do. Please feel free to contact me ahead of time with any questions or even to simply introduce yourself. Our house is your house.
Until then may God bless you richly in Christ Jesus.
Pastor Kirsten
(201) 664-5904